Vending machines and the Corona Virus


Around the world the threat posed by Coronavirus (COVID-19) has become apparent and the vending machine industry has been transforming itself to adequately respond. One example of this comes from Taiwan.

Two Taiwanese cities have installed vending machines where residents can pick up free bottles of isopropanol hand sanitizer to fight the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).
Residents of Kaohsiung’s Luzhu District and Tainan’s Xinshi District will see the new machines appear on March 5 and 6, respectively, and can pick up one free bottle each by showing their IDs, NowNews reported. Each machine’s system will scan these, giving it enough information to prevent it from dispensing more than one bottle to the same customer, according to the distributor. A total of 500 bottles will be available at the sites 24 hours a day.  The new scheme follows a similar project to distribute face masks.

It is important for you and your customers that all Vending Machines are kept properly clean and if you have any doubts do not hesitate to contact our offices immediately: 0800 454 301

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