Unblocktober 2021

Remember those news stories on the TV news about a giant plug of greasy, slimy ‘fatbergs’ that had blocked a sewer? Then the newscaster tells you that it took workers days using pickaxes and pile drivers to shift it and return the sewers to their usual flow? You do? Good, because in October 2021 here in the United Kingdom hundreds of organisations up and down the country are taking action in Unblocktober 2021 in an effort to improve our environment and to vastly improve the health of seas around the world.

So, what is Unblocktober all about?

Simply, it is a campaign to get all of us to think twice about what we simply throw down the drain. It is a month-long national campaign to raise awareness of our throw-away culture and its impact on the environment. From dangerous liquids, cotton buds, wet wipes, grease, nappies and much more, all collect together to form these so called ‘fatbergs’. According to the action group Lanes for Drains who conducted research, 77 percent of us know what a fatberg is, and 64 percent say they are ‘very aware’ of what should and shouldn’t go down their drains. Yet, 48 percent willingly continue to put fatberg-forming substances into our sewers.

Are you ready to do your bit for the environment?

The health of our sewers and seas are in our hands. The beauty of Unblocktober 2021 is that it’s so simple to play your part and feel the pride of knowing you’re helping the environment. To find out more about how you can get involved this month in preventing the build up of costly and damaging ‘fatbergs’ check out the details at http://www.unblocktober.org

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