Today is World Refill Day

Amongst all the political backbiting and nastiness around Election time, the world does continue to turn on its axis and its global problems persist whilst politicians bicker and argue. One of this issues is the need to address the use of single use plastic bottles. These use once and throw away items are clogging our environment and polluting it with a toxic mixture of exotic chemicals that will persist in the environment for around 1000 years before they degrade. Does it really have to take a millennia for something to do be done about it?

This is why today has been given the title of World Refill Day. It’s a simple message. Use the plastic bottle you have again and again and again. Properly cleaned each time that plastic bottle can go on and on and on. World Refill Day is a global day of action designed to accelerate the transition from single-use to reuse and perhaps with the election on 4th July in mind, perhaps it’s time to get the politicians to listen to your concerns. Tell them about how you want them to support legally binding re-use targets and to enforce a rule that 30 per cent of all packaging is reusable by 2030. Get your elected representative to connect with you and other groups in your area to clean the environment.

There is so much that we can all do this World Refill Day. Have a look at how you can do your part:

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