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Take Care of your Green Tea

green tea

If you’re a green tea fan you’ll know that green tea has many health benefits, but did you know that the way you store and use it could be decreasing its effectiveness?

If you’re an infrequent green tea drinker, you could find that the healthy compounds for which you buy it have dramatically declined by the time you brew up.

A study in the Journal of Food Science found that levels of epigallocatechin gallate, the main antioxidant, which is thought to reduce inflammation and prevent cell damage that leads to disease declined by 28 percent within six months; other antioxidants fell by as much as 51 percent.

Our advice is to buy small packs and keep them in an airtight tin. And use bottled water rather than tap to make your tea, as other research showed this doubled the epigallocatechin gallate content.

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