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We’ve all seen it:- people with their mobile phones taking selfies of themselves to post on their social media.

Well the latest trend has been started by American soft drink giant Coca Cola’s Israeli subsidiary, Coca Cola Israel. Bottles of Coke fitted with their own self camera in the base of the plastic bottle. So you, literally, drink the drink and snap images at the same time!

The devices will then allow consumers to upload the images onto social media platforms such as Snapchat, Facebook and Instragram. The promotion by Coca Cola Israel is part of their Summer of Love campaign.

The advertising agency behind the selfie bottles, Gefen Team, said, “It really does the trick and makes the partygoer more present and active during the event, knowing they can share their special moments just by drinking.” Yes really.

Well it’s certainly a new way to experience ‘The Real Thing”!

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