
Scientists: it’s always interesting to see a reaction when you start a blog post with the word scientist closely followed by the word research. Scientists from Edinburgh University have, it appears conducted some research that seems to confirm what we at UKVending have long suspected. Some people’s DNA is more switched on to coffee than others.

The researchers have been studying a particular gene that has been given the rather snazzy name of PDSS2. Now PDSS2 is in all of our bodies but in vastly varying amounts. Some people with a lot of the gene would need to drink much less coffee to get the same buzz as someone with less of the gene.

The study’s results follow research conducted on 1,200 Italians and a separate study of 1,700 Dutch. There were some differences in the style and size of coffees drunk in the two regions with the Italians preferring smaller cups such as Expresso, whereas those in the Netherlands drank much larger cups containing more coffee overall.

There is a value to this research as it could led to highlighting how coffee seems to ward off certain diseases, such as Parkinson’s and some cancers. Furthermore the breakdown of caffeine in our bodies is at the heart of research into better understanding the process whereby medicines are absorbed by humans.

So whether you’re a one cup a day person or four or five here at UKVending we’ll always raise a cup for gene PDSS2.

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