Mars bars to be carbon neutral by 2023
They say that eating one helps you ‘work, rest and play’ and soon they may also help to reduce to neutral the manufacturers carbon footprint. Mars announced at the beginning of November during the Cop26 climate summit that it aims to slash its carbon footprint by 20 per cent by 2023, that’s an ambitious 14 months.
Mars says that its Mars bars that are sold in the UK, Ireland and Canada will by January 1, 2023 be certified as carbon neutral as verified by an independent auditor.
More than 200 million Mars bars are sold in the United Kingdom alone and in the future will feature a new fully recyclable paper packaging and produced using 100 per cent renewable energy sources. While the aim is laudable campaign groups such as Greenpeace and the environment NGO Feedback point out that to grow the cocoa and the milk needed to make Mars bars, large areas of rainforest have been destroyed.