Keep hydrated in the summer months

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It’s finally here, Britain’s long awaited summer. Hopefully in the next few months we can expect to have those lazy, crazy amazing days of summer where the temperature hits into the high 90’s. Your first thought is probably to lather on the sun cream but there is something else you should take note of, your hydration. Here at UKVending we would like you to spare a little bit of time thinking about how much water you consume as the heat rises.

In common with most of the world, us Brits are, on the whole, pretty lousy at getting enough water into our systems on a daily basis. We should drink around 2 litres of water everyday but most of us rarely even come close.


Drinking water, tea or coffee keeps us more hydrated and alert and give our bodies a fighting chance against these illnesses.

So perhaps you think that drinking water is not for you; well UKVending has done some research into the matter. The Institute of Medicine has stated that we should be taking onboard 20 percent of our water intake through fruits and vegetables…just think watermelons, cucumber, celery and berries are between 92-96 percent water and also delicious anytime of the year. You can also add water indirectly via smoothies, coconut water and milk.

Perhaps you’re thinking that water is dull and uninteresting well then spice it up. Make a dull drink into an exciting one by adding a few sprigs of fresh mint, a squeeze of lemon or a slice of ginger to give it more of a zing?


Just remember in the sun you need to drink more to stay healthy and hydrated.

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