How your favourite iced coffee contains more sugar than a Mars bar

Here at UKVending we’d love you to use one of our exciting vending machines for your coffee, but we realise that sometimes when you’re away from your office or place of work you may not be able to. Then you consider having one made at a cafe chain, but when you realise just how much sugar there is in some of the coffee’s bought at cafe chains, you may reconsider.

Recent studies have actually shown that some iced coffee’s contain more sugar than a Mars bar or a can of Coke! It is so much that in some cases a single frappe or Frappuccino could exceed the total maximum recommended sugar intake for an adult! What is more, a legal loophole, means that these drinks are not covered by the Sugar tax that applies to soft drinks.

NHS advise is that an adult should not exceed 30g or around seven teaspoons of sugar daily, but some varieties of iced coffees regularly have 48.5kg or 12 teaspoons of sugar in a single serving. Just for comparison a standard 51g Mars bar, which is essentially virtually all sugar products, contains 31g of sugar of 7.5 teaspoons.

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