Four out of ten of us spurn single-use plastics


It appears that the tide is finally turning against single use plastics as four in ten adults now avoid single use plastic packaging – as most call themselves ‘ethical’ shoppers, a survey has found.

Campaigns highlighting waste have led to huge changes in habits. It means supermarkets have been forced to strip out thousands of tons of plastic from products and boost the use of recycled material.

The Government has also said that firms making single use plastic will pay levies to fund handling the resulting waste.

Almost two thirds of people consider themselves ‘ethical’ or sustainable grocery shoppers, and one in three say green issues are the biggest factor in their shopping.


The survey of more than 2,000 people, commissioned by the organic food brand Wessanen UK, found that 40 per cent avoid single use plastic, while 56 per cent use fewer plastic bags than a year ago.

The Co-op is ranked highest as the supermarket thought to help us live ethically, followed by Tesco, Waitrose, Sainsburys and Marks and Spencer.

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