Could the coffee break be a thing of the past?
Shock horror for lovers of the coffee break after ‘research’ suggests that we are forgoing the chance for a break and to catch up with all the latest gossip and working straight through at our desks. Many people think being ‘chained to our desks’ is a bad thing and are encouraging businesses and government to encourage more of us to embrace and revive the traditional coffee break.
The study discovered that Brits drink a total of 1.4 million cups of coffee – that’s 110,000 gallons every single workday hour! But, the key finding was that more than a fifth drink their drink at their desks and don’t take a breather from their work to enjoy the drink. The research, sponsored by MacMillan, the cancer charity, ahead of their great coffee morning spectacular fundraising drive in September found that workers now take less than 10 minutes break away from their desks with the average person only managing eight solitary minutes.
MacMillan is now backing a campaign to ‘bring back coffee breaks’ and encourage employers to make their workforce take the breaks – which are written into law. There are many positive benefits from taking such breaks including boosting workers productivity and mental wellbeing but not least to improve relationships between co workers.
“Never underestimate the importance of a coffee break,” says Psychologist Sir Cary Cooper. “As we become increasingly busy, both in our personal and working lives, it has never been so important that people take time out.”