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Coffee and Parkinson’s disease

Image result for coffee and parkinson's disease

There is yet more evidence that coffee is great for your health and well being. A new research study conducted in the United States discovered a link between coffee and the onset of Parkinson’s disease.

The disease has terrible effects for sufferers including shaking and immobility, stiffness and difficulties with balance and coordination. It is a progressive, neurodegenerative condition and at the moment there is no cure. Here in the UK there are thousands of new diagnoses every day so anything that can help with this awful disease is welcomed, especially if it is as simple as having cups of coffee.

Scientists believe one of the key triggers of the disease is the build-up in the brain of a specific type of misfolded protein called alpha-synuclein which is thought to trigger cell death. When this protein joins with other compounds in the brain it starts to form what are known as Lewy bodies.

The research in the United States found that drinking coffee can slow the effects of this build-up. The study is at an early stage but sounds promising.

Image result for coffee and parkinson's disease

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