Choc Horror


Imagine a world without chocolate!

It would be horrible: the sweet tasting treat would no longer satisfy cravings or release those feel good endorphins. So as you stare longingly into one of UKVending’s superb range of vending machines at the tasty chocolate treats within think about this.

You’re talking rubbish I hear you cry, but wait, the world is slowly running out of chocolate and the prices you pay for chocolate treats has been steadily rising all year. This is because the price being paid for cocoa has surged by more than 30 percent in 2018 due in large part to a world shortage and environmental concerns.

Another side effect of the world shortage is that the size of chocolate bars such as Mars, Snickers, Toblerone and Cadbury Crème Eggs have shrunk, whilst the price has stayed the same or risen.

Rabobank, a specialist in the field of agricultural financing warned, “Cocoa has been one of the most sought after commodities for some time now. Fears now surround whether the price paid will be high enough to encourage West African farmers to maintain their production levels.”606739059_bff97744c2_b

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