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At UKVending we cannot provide you with a Starfleet registered replicator but watching some episodes of Star Trek has made us think about beverages in space.

Whether you’re a fan of Star Wars, Star Trek, Galaxy Quest, Space 1999, Killjoys, Babylon 5 or any of the hundreds of sci fi shows on offer these days they all have one thing in common – drinks. Us mere earthbound mortals must make do with vending machines like UKVending’s space age offerings but when you select a café latte just imagine for a moment that instead of the wonderful and satisfying Italian coffee you’re instead sampling the best that other worlds such as Vulcan, Bajor or Betazed has to offer. Imagine you’re sipping Vulcan tea with T’pau the spiritual leader of the Vulcan people or huddled together sampling a Rakajino coffee at a retreat on the world of Bajor. There again you might just fancy something familiar such as Captain Picard’s favourite ‘Earl Grey hot.’


Go on sample some great earthly tastes from our space age technology and as the good Captain Picard is fond of saying “Make it so and engage.”

UK Vending Ltd, Fort Bridgewood, Maidstone Road, Rochester, Kent. ME1 3DQ. Company No: 00952912 VAT No: 203190022
Copyright © UK Vending Ltd 1969-2025 All rights reserved. Although you may copy any part of this web-site to your computer for your personal use, we must insist that you do not use any of these graphics on your own web-site or in any other public or commercial manner or redistribute any portion of it, unless you are a licensee of our products. THE BRIGHT TEA CO. and LOVE THE LEAF are trademarks of Lavazza S.P.A and its affiliates, ALTERRA, FLAVIA.