Bet you didn’t know this about the tea you’re drinking?

  • Approximately 40% of the nation’s fluid intake today will be tea
  • Tea without milk has no calories. Using semi-skimmed milk adds around 13 calories per cup, but you also benefit from valuable minerals and calcium.
  • Four cups of tea with milk provides 21% of daily calcium requirement.
  • Tea is a source of the minerals manganese, essential for bone growth and body development, and potassium, vital for maintaining body fluid levels.
  • The average cup of tea contains less than half the level of caffeine than coffee. One cup contains only 50mg per 190ml cup.
  • Tea is a natural source of fluoride and drinking four cups makes a significant contribution to your daily intake. (Only 11% of UK water supply has fluoride added.)
  • Green and black teas are from the same plant, Camelia sinensis, and contain similar amounts of antioxidants and caffeine.

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