4 myths about coffee

Myth 1: Pregnant women should avoid coffee

Pregnant women are denied most of what they previously enjoyed such as alcohol, but if taken in moderation (around 200 milligrams) the caffeine in coffee won’t harm a fetus.

Myth 2: The darker the roast, the stronger the coffee

Actually, if you roast them for longer, the coffee beans will give you a more acidic taste so quite the opposite in reality.

Myth 3: All coffee has the same levels of caffeine

If you’ve ever gone into a Starbucks in the morning and a McDonalds in the afternoon and thought the coffee tasted different, you’d be quite right because no two coffees taste the same, nor does every coffee contain the same amount of caffeine. Those two coffees will generally contain 20milligrams in the Starbucks cup and just 9.1milligrams in the McDonalds. (Other coffee shops are available).  

Myth 4: Drinking coffee after a night out will quickly sober you up

Sadly, this is yet another myth. Numerous studies the world over had hoped to prove it to be true but being intoxicated will mean you remain intoxicated until the alcohol has passed through your system. Caffeine will just make you more alert but not reverse the adverse effects of drinking too much in the first place.

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