25 pence discount for carrying your own cup

It is such a simple solution to a big problem that we can all simultaneously ask…why did no one think of it sooner?

Yes, it’s the great disposable cups debate. With millions of only partially disposable cups thrown away every year in the UK along (not even thinking of the rest of poor old planet Earth) we are creating a mountain of problems to be dealt with. Over the years there have been some revolutionary and even evolutionary solutions to the problem but some bright spark has probably caught onto the simplest, most ingenious and most environmentally friendly solution of all.

Get the customers who want a freshly brewed and tasty cup of coffee, hot chocolate, tea…or whatever…to bring their own cup with them and in exchange offer them a discount on the price of their drink! It’s so simple…well like I said…why didn’t anyone think of it before?

The good people at Pret A Manger are behind this new idea and it is being rolled out across 200 of their stores across London. If it proves to be successful then it is likely that the scheme will be rolled out across the country.

Many environmentalists have welcomed the move but the only foreseeable downside is a human one..whether or not those of us to love a coffee will be bothered to carry around a reusable cup in exchange for just a 25pence discount.




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